Wednesday, December 16, 2020

How Much Time Does It Take To Replace Your Windshield

Time For Windshield Replacement pros adjustments

Windshield replacement is a pretty quick and straightforward process that does not last longer than an hour and involves the removal of the old, damaged glass, the preparation of the windshield hole to receive the new glass and the installation of the new windshield. However, the entire process from the minute that your car is dropped at the windshield installation specialist’s garage to the minute that you can turn the ignition and leave the garage in your repaired car can take quite long – here are the factors that influence the waiting time:


-The availability of the new windshield – windshields are quickly and easily available for the more common cars, but the process might take a long time in the case of classic or special cars for which the windshield can only be ordered from the manufacturer;


-The complexity of the glass – modern cars use many sensors and cameras installed on the windshield to enable special features, such as automatic windshield wipers. If the new windshield is for a car equipped with such features, the process of installing the new windshield must also involve the configuration of the car’s computer to receive the sensors, cameras and other extras that the windshield is fitted with, otherwise the car won’t even start. Depending on the complexity of the configuration, the windshield installation might take several hours longer, unless you talk with the Front Range Windshield Pros to do the job.

First Seen over here: How Much Time Does It Take To Replace Your Windshield

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